Alla on pitkä sitaatti Jonathan ”Adampantsin” luennosta Healing
Begins Now – suoranainen järkäle viisautta.
Olen viitannut siihen niin useasti, että ajattelin, että on paras kirjata koko juttu tähän näkyville, juuri niin komeana kuin se on.
Itselleni kyseinen vertaus on tullut olemaan varsinainen peruskivi muiden asiakokonaisuuksien ja tietopakettien jäsentelylle (ja arvioinnille). Jostain syystä juuri tästä vertauksesta voi ammentaa monia yleispäteviä periaatteita ( - "orgaanisia" periaatteita toki...) Vertaus on kuin metafyysinen jalokivi. Tai sellainen ymmärryksen alkuaine, josta kaikki muu rakentuu tai joka käynnistää alkemistisen reaktion...
[Audio löytyy YouTubesta. Joku ystävällinen sielu on litteroitunut sen [lisään tähän lähdetiedon jos vielä löydän sen], ja käytän tässä hänen litterointiaan viitatessani ”Adampantsin” mainittuun luentoon. Alleviivaukset ja kappalejaot ovat kuitenkin omiani, kuten pienet editoinnit (tekstin lyhennykset).]
Katkelmassa Adampants siis selvittää atomin avulla [eli sen rakenteen ja toiminnan kautta] kuinka todellisuutemme – etenkin havaintomme siitä – on muodostunut.
Pidän hänen kuvaustaan aivan mahtavana dualismin ”dissektiona”, joka havainnollistaa ”virhetodellisuutemme” anatomian.
Luontevana jatkona edeltävälle Adampants etenee vertauskuvaansa ”syöpätietoisuudesta”, eli käyttää syöpää vertauskuvana siitä tietoisuudesta [eli häiriintyneestä ”rakennekeskeisyydestä” tai ”saatanatietoisuudesta”], joka on irrottanut luodun luojastaan [”Prime Creator”, ”The Creative Consciousness”, ”The Spirit”]. – Ei kuitenkaan täysin. Onneksi. (Tai siis Luojan kiitos!)
Adampants aloittaa kaiken selventämällä tietolähdettään ja sitä, kuinka kuka tahansa voi sitä käyttää.
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”Listen, when you're dealing with the creator, it takes what you have, within your brain, your consciousness, your personality, your experience, and assembles it together, from that for expression.
Therefore, people thousands of years ago will express themselves on behalf of the creator in a way that their personality was formulated then.
So, I mean, you need to understand, individuality is a gift from… from life, from creation, that's why there's a huge attempt to get rid of individuality. If you connect to the creator you're not suddenly going to become me. What is the point of that?
You only enhance your individuality when you come into communication with the creator. You copy less, and less and less, and you just become.
But see, all this right now sounds like a fortune cookie, until I explain some of the real essentials that you need to know, so let me just do that, OK?
And just, something about swearing: swearing is not the word you use, it's the energy you emit. So, "so" could be a swear word, depending on how I say it and what my intentions are with it.
But you're all focused on structure and that's the trap, that's the insanity. And I'm gonna do my best to help you understand enough to make you realize that there is a creation force, that there is something you should be seeking.
Most of my knowledge is not from any book, any lecture, any video, any movie, any mentor, it is direct infusion of knowledge into me.
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I've had two noble-prize winning ideas that I know of. The second one
last summer, or two summers ago... was that there are no neutrons in an
Now, I didn't read that anywhere. I knew it... I was able to deduce it, that information was infused into me from the creative force.
And I know why there are no neutrons. I can explain it.
See, trying to memorize "this theory" or "that theory" is missing the boat altogether. Education is purely to separate you from what you are. It's how it's set up. [...] So what I need to get into is the very basics of reality, as put into my being from that which creates everything, which is... me.
And you're like "What?" Well it's also you.
Now, it's going to be very hard to understand. [...] Well it’s time to show you what you can grasp and how easily you can grasp it.
And we'll start with the nature of reality.
Telling somebody that reality is an illusion is not going to do much. So I need to make that more clear to you. [...]
What I'm going to explain to you will make a lot of this pretty clear.
First of all, to learn something new... a lot of the reasons that people have trouble with that and especially science, if they are told that they are not scientific, it’s because of just that, they’ve been told that, they intimidate themselves before they hear something, so that they inhibit their ability to understand. So when I start speaking about this stuff, I just want you to not intimidate yourself. Know that I will bring it around to make sure you understand.
* * *
Hopefully most of you that are listening to this know what an
"atom" is. An atom would be a certain type of energy confined to a…
what you call a nucleus’s center area, with a complementary energy around it,
bathing it, surrounding it. So that, when they come together, their effect on
anything on its scale of existence is neutral.
So you're told in chemistry that you have protons, and you count up the protons. And you have neutrons and then you have electrons that are orbiting the nucleus. If you get high enough up in chemistry, maybe you get into organic chemistry, which is more… I mean, organic chemistry is a really good one to make you understand life. Not if you memorize organic chemistry, only if you understand it, from the consciousness of the atom, because the atom is conscious.
But they tell you you’ve different "orbitals," they give them different layer names: S, P, D, F, they align the electrons, they chart them as spinning one way and then they pair themselves to another electron within there that is coupled to it that spins the opposite way: up spin, and a down spin.
And that's not what's occurring.
So let me explain to you what is occurring.
In an atom, you have the energy in the center – there’s a certain amount of "mass", if you wanna call it that. Its existence is a combination of other energies and their interference with each other. Then you have this other type of energy, they give it a positive charge, they assign it, like they're assigning everything here "good and bad," "yes and no". They give the nucleus positive charge, and the electron cloud, a negative charge.
The electron cloud is the type of energy that the nucleus of the atom, the proton, always wants to find itself inside of. Because the protons are what you would call a positive or outward energy or symbolically "male" energy. And it seeks to be inside the "female" energy, which will surround and absorb. Just like with sexual intercourse, you have a male and your male organ, well, you know, goes inside the female organ. That's what they have based electrical circuitry, they call it male and female coupling, and male and female parts.
Well, see, the electron cloud, that energy is a more dynamic, complex, dimensional type of energy.
And it is not particles that are flying around the nucleus. It is a fluid, consciousness energy.
And they say: "well, then what's an electron?" "Electrons beaming off." Well, all that means is that a certain amount of energy is allocated out and it assumes the most efficient use of space, which is a sphere. But when it comes back into an electron cloud, it de-localizes itself and becomes part of... like a droplet falling into the ocean. So when they talk about certain types of energies that couple: “Oh, we have this "up spin" and "down spin," and different orbitals.
Orbitals in an atom would be
very similar to chakras on you... How they interface, and I'll get to that
But you don't have this particles spinning around, they’re only that when they need to be.
For example, anybody that knows how to manipulate their own chi and focus their chi – maybe you've seen martial artists do this – they're localizing a lot of that energy to one point, which would be similar to the materialization of an electron. It's not even material, well, material, just conglomeration of that energy.
It is not particles that are spinning, it's a fluid consciousness. And you know there are different types of that energy within there, then what you are dealing with really is "phase."
And before I go on, I really want you to understand, you need to understand this... This is not a chemistry lesson.
I'm explaining to you what you need to know to become what you are.
So this is not something you should blow off and say, "Oh well I don't need to know chemistry." This isn't chemistry. There are chemists that have looked at this and tried to quantify it, but that's not what I'm talking about.
When I use the term "phase," what I mean by that is... well, say, you make two fists and you're throwing out punches with both arms at the same time, meaning both fists go out and then come back, and then out and back, and you're looking at, say, 10 feet in front of you, how much air is displaced from that vantage point, from both fists going out at the same time pushing air and then sucking it back as they’re coming back to you, towards your chest.
Compared to, say, if you alternate punches, where the left hand is out while the right is back, and the right is out when the left is back, how much air is displaced 10 feet in front of you?
Because, see, if both fists are going out at the same time, you have doubled the amplitude, doubled the force, doubled the amount pushing on the air, and then sucking it back and creating those wave pulses in the air.
However, if you're alternating punches: as one is pushing air, the other is pulling air, and they cancel out their effect, that's a very good way to look at phase.
If it’s… and they would call that "180 degrees out of phase," or "opposite."
As one is inducing force, the other is retracting force or pulling back... I guess, as one is pushing, the other is pulling. Put it that way in your mind.
Well, the same thing occurs with light, sound, electromagnetic waves, thought, neural impulses.
And, so, yeah it's true, if I play a 500 Hertz tone to you, say, directly 10 feet in front of you – they call it 0 degrees azimuth (they are always thinking in terms of 360 degrees when they're quantifying things) – and say, I play a 500 Hertz, what's really occurring is something is pushing and pulling on air just like your fist is going out and back. It is displacing the air, but 500 times per second. Then you understand, if I were to put a speaker right next to it and play 500 Hz – the same frequency – meaning the same speed, it's still displacing the air 500 times per second. However, think of it like fists that go alternating out and back, out and back, as one part of the diaphragm on one speaker is pushing on the air like one fist going out and displacing the air, the other is pulling back: they call that "compression" and "rarefaction" when you're dealing with sound.
"Rarefying" means creating a void. "Compression" – compressing it together. Same thing with your fists going out.
But what would happen if one is pulling back on the air while one is pushing, and they're both 500 hertz, so they are both the exact same amount of time, OK, the same number of cycles per second but exactly opposite to each other, or 180 degrees out of phase: it's going to cancel out its effect on the air and you won’t hear anything.
And they call this "phase canceling."
Well, the same thing now occurs with the electron consciousness – it is vibratory. And so it doesn't have to be something that is pushing in and out. A frequency can be... just a number of times something does something per unit of measurement of time. And those are interchangeable, because "time" is a result of that.
But think of it simply, so if you have part of the electron consciousness vibrating one way, and the other one that it's matched to is at the same amount of time per second, the same cycles per second, the same "Hertz," the same "frequency" – which is how many times per second it does what it does. It could be twisting back and forth, it could be oscillation, it could be, you know, up down, to it, whatever... I mean, blinking can be a frequency... How many times do you blink per second... How many times do you breath per second? How many times do you think about your feet per second? This is quantitative.
When you're dealing with a quantum, that's an attempt to arrest life... That's dealing with "how much." That's why it's funny when I hear people that claim to be spiritual talk about how much they like quantum physics... That's all mathematics and formulas and you know, they may hear someone like, say, Deepak Chopra discuss quantum mechanics in reality, and then feel they understand quantum physics. But it's not the quantum physics you like; it's the qualitative nature of life. Physics deals with the physical, and what in what is affecting the physical… from a physical point of view.
But anyway, in this consciousness of the electron... consciousness – I don't even like to call it "electron," because that implies that it's a particle, I like to call it "Dark Energy." Not that I'm... embracing good and bad, light and dark... and I'll get into that, but we'll use that as a better example. As one part is vibrating, the other one will couple to it, part of that consciousness, the same frequency, but 180 degrees out of phase with it, therefore making it and rendering it neutral.
This is why they tell you that an atom is 99.9% empty space.
It is not.
The energy is there, it just phase-canceling itself out, meaning there are no wavelengths of that consciousness for you to read. But it has gone nowhere.
The observance of this will
tell you why the Illuminati do what they do.
Trying to play God, by always balancing an equation to try to seek neutrality.
It's why they try to control good and bad: they're trying to balance a mathematical equation. And you'll understand that later, as to why that is missing. See, what they are doing... it… math is not life and that's what they embrace… numerology, structure, geometry, mathematics, numbers. Quantitative elements.
And because their point of view is that way, they are like what's happening right now is like that cartoon of Bugs Bunny, where maybe a link, a leak will spring in something holding water, and he'll put his finger up against it, and another one will spring, and he'll try to cover that and then another one will spring – he puts his nose up against it, and another one springs up... Every time they try to plug a leak, another one is going to spring up. Trying to arrest the nature of life with math. That's what's happening, it's what has happened.
But let's go back to an atom though, ‘cause this is very important.
So am I telling you that… that they’re only 2 energies in an electron cloud and they phase cancel each other out? No. It's just that which is paired with another one will phase cancel it out.
So how does consciousness manifest then? Switching the phase to double the amplitude in a moment of materialization, and then switching back to phase cancel.
It can pop out anywhere.
And that's why people… a lot of people miss that.
They'll watch a movie like: "What The Bleep Do We Know" it's called, and say “an electron can be anywhere at any given time...”
No, it's a fluid consciousness, it can pop up anywhere at any given time by shifting phase and interacting. And it doesn't have to shift to exactly the same, it can be 45 degrees out of phase, it can just create the amount of amplitude it needs to create an interference pattern between the two energies within it.
So, what happens is yeah, you have… OK, once you get beyond the first orbital, they say you need 8 electrons... 8 bytes to a bit in a computer…
Let me explain something to you, when you see these UFO examples, and all these UFOs that look like light coming to… an organized pattern, and they start flickering, and everybody says, "Oh look at the neat light show!" What they are doing is communicating the same way [as] atoms within a molecule will communicate with each other. They're shifting the phase to suddenly double the amplitude so that which was neutral suddenly lights up and if you're on that frequency and that time scale of an atom when the atom communicates with itself, it would look identical to the UFO’s you see: flashing and doing the light dance with each other.
If you were on that time scale and that size, and had the neural system to pick up the emittance, you would see it as that. And there's a demonstrating for you right there – the consciousness of a molecule and an atom.
Your mind works the same way. Interference patterns of certain amounts out of phase turning on, turning off.
So, what's the deal then?
Well, if you have half of this consciousness that takes on one characteristic – regardless of how many different variances you have of it, they all match the other variances in the electron consciousness, and as it relates to the nucleus. Half of that consciousness, the awareness to make decisions and change what it is to interact with the other part of itself, the other part of the electron is to… to interact. Half of an atom's consciousness then, is there for it to perceive itself as "I the atom." The other half is used for something else.
When atoms bond to each other, and what a covalent bond is, is the coupling of the complementary energies within an electron cloud that take on different dimensions and different... characteristics.
This is why if you… if you study enough chemistry, you’ll realize it's not just straight lines.
The first, the first bond is
very basic, the other ones take on different dimensional traits that cannot be
explained if you're looking it at from the 3rd dimension.
But, say, you have a group of atoms that come together to formulate a molecule. The part of them they’re involved with bonding are used, because they're conscious. They... complement each other and interfere with each other to create what's called a "scalar jump."
And that other half of the atom's energy is used by the molecule to see itself as "I, the molecule," while each atom still has half of its own consciousness to see itself as "I," the atom.
So it's not… it is both, it is a group of atoms that still see themselves as "I," but part of something, and know it, but maintain their individuality.
And then you have a molecule that sees itself as "I," utilizing the atoms… it's a different scale of existence.
Then molecules can come together, because they're conscious, to formulate a tissue. Half of the consciousness of the molecule is used to see itself as "I the molecule," the other half is used by the tissue, every molecule in the tissue itself, half of its consciousness is used by that tissue to perceive itself as "I the tissue." And all the molecules see themselves as "I the molecules” – understand that they’re "We the molecules," being used, willingly of course, by the tissue, because they still have their own individuality.
And the atoms within the molecules still perceive themselves as "I the atoms,” but also "We the atoms" that are being used by the molecule to see itself as "I the molecule." They haven't lost any of their individuality, because only half is the individuality, this... this would be that way whether they are connected or not.
So there's no reason, it's so perfectly designed, there's no reason to say, "I don't want that".
Well, you can go up from tissues to, say structures, like organs... same thing, you have a field of energy, you can’t perceive around it, because... well, we'll get to that. Half of the consciousness around the organ, the field around it, sees itself as "I the organ," utilizing everything below at the same way...
Another scalar jump.
Every time you go from atom to molecule, it's a jump in scale.
Go from molecules to tissue, it's a jump in scale, tissue to organ – jump in scale.
Well the next... stop is "I the body." You are using half of the consciousness of all the main components of your body, which are using half of the consciousness of all the things that make them up... and down and down and down. You are using half of the consciousness of your body to see yourself as "I." I don't call myself "we the cells," "we the atoms,” "we the organs"... I say "I Jonathan," right?
Do you call yourself "We"? But you are a "we," and you are "I." That consciousness innervates your body through different scales as well, because you have different scales of consciousness. You have a large… the scale of your body – which, you know, innervates your body through large charkas, but if you go a scale down, you have other types of consciousness that go through points of energy through organs. Then cells, right through the DNA.
DNA in your cells are not the stopping point of DNA. You are part of DNA on a larger level. You're part... Let me explain this, up from you, what do you think the next jump up is?
Your specific race of "person." So, it doesn't matter what race you are... This is why certain species have "the same frequency," just like organs will have the same frequency. So you go up to your race, and you have a consciousness that says "I, this race," utilizing half of each person involved in that race, half of their consciousness, to do so. Then you go up from there, you have the human race, all the races combined. And half of the consciousness of all the races, are used by the human race to see itself as "I, the human race," while each race has its own identity, and each person in the race has their own identity, and each organ within that person has its own identity, and down and down and down.
You go up from there, and you have Earth with all the life forms on earth, and yeah... Half of the consciousness of all the life forms on earth are used by the earth to see itself as "I," the Earth.
When you go up from there, you have a solar system, the Sun would be like a proton, and there is dark energy around the Sun you can’t see. Why? Because your eyes are part of the center energy – it's the part that's inside. So it's interacting with the wavelengths of energy that correlate to that: protons... sun... light... It's why they would say in the song "blinded by the light…" We'll get to that...
And, granted, this is all just on this wavelength, this "bandwidth" of existence that you're in. This is not a... I'm just using example of the bandwidth of the existence that you could see.
So what's around the... the Sun, is dark energy, that's what's keeping it in. That's what's surrounding the sun. As the dark energy interacts with the energy of the Sun, it neutralizes it, and creates orbitals – and that's where you would have the neutral energy or state of matter that life can exist in and that's what you would call the "neutrons."
Neutrons are only the interactions between these two types of energies, the in-outward male, with the Sun, again, same properties, that's why they... now you understand the Illuminati, why they worship the Sun, right? And they also worship the male phallus – well it's the same thing, it's the male energy. When they collide, you have that neutral point in between.
If you go up to a galaxy, then all of the solar bodies in the galaxy would be the… part of the… you know, that dense cluster of solar bodies inside, like the proton, and then you have dark energy around the galaxy – you can look up at dark energy math and what you're gonna find is that it only surrounds galaxies and connects all the galaxies together. Just like the electron energy connects all the atoms together to create molecules. You can't go from galaxy to galaxy unless you follow the path of the electron, oh sorry, dark energy, that connects them.
But since it's all confluent and all one consciousness, then yes, you... if you understand that, you can communicate to any galaxy, anywhere and anything at any scale.
So when you look at a galaxy, you see that the only place that life exists in is the perimeter, in the outward swirls. Right? That's the area that life can stand it, that's the blending of the dark energy and the galactic solar body energy. And so in the perimeter that's where you gonna find planets that can sustain life.
Earth... is the same thing. Therefore, with this understanding, you know that the core of the earth is like a proton energy, and there is dark energy around the earth. When they collide, you get what you call "the surface" of the earth. That's the neutralizing effect. The... the interaction of the two energies to create life on earth.
But, its only where it interacts, therefore by that knowledge you can only conclude that the Earth is hollow.
And the surface of the earth is just where those two energies meet.
Same thing with neutrons in an atom then: it is the interaction between the electron consciousness and the proton consciousness, and when they collide and if the interference patterns neutralize each other, then they call them neutrons.
They cannot exist in and of themselves. That is just the interaction of the two energies.
And you'll go up and up and up from there... and down and down and down...
This is what infinity is, if you want to think of it as a graphical analysis, like a sine wave – think of the… You know what a sine wave is. If you don't, look it up real quick.
Imagine the longest wavelength you can imagine. Well, let's just make it simple for reference, say it's a mile. Alright, a mile-long wavelength. And then, you just... in order, get shorter and shorter – you know – of existence of possible wavelengths, until the point where you get down to its really close together, say, an inch, say the line you draw to represent that, would be one inch thick. And the amplitude would be 5 inches. Meaning how high it goes up, and how low it goes down. 2.5 above the... you know, the neutral point, and 2.5 inches below. Making 5. The node and anti-node. Well if you bring it close together like that, now it's only an inch apart, then a centimeter apart, then a millimeter apart, the a micrometer apart, a nanometer apart, and your line is an inch thick. It's gonna look like what? One five-inch thick line, ‘cause it's so close together you can’t perceive its separation anymore. Now imagine that, starting the longest wavelength ever... one huge 5-inch thick line going up and down, and its amplitude would be 5 feet. Going up... and down… and up and down… and then getting it closer together, closer together so you have these squiggly lines that are going up and down that start to come closer and closer and closer together until what? It's so close together you can only perceive it as... a 5-foot thick line. And then that's starts going up and down. right? 50 feet up and down, up and down... Bring it together, pretty soon the wavelength is so short... frequency, in other words... then that becomes a 50 foot thick line.
That is scalar jumping. The change in scale, and that is infinity.
I don't know if I can tell you to verify this, I've never seen this information anywhere in print, or video, or a lecture or anything.
This is given to me from that which I'm interacting with.
This is what I'm trying to tell you.
They tell you that God is, you know, the Bible... and therefore you have to be stupid to a… not question anything, and not learn anything...
The creator knows all, it creates everything, and it’s more than willing to enhance your life and give you knowledge.
And, allow you to maintain individuality.
It's what it's all about.
You know, you become anything but stupid when you connect to the creator.
I've had light explained to me, why is it particles and wavelengths, I know why it is, exactly why it is in my head.
There is no explanation out there, scientists bumble around that: "well it's either particles or wavelengths, depending on how you look at it."
No, no, no.
I know exactly why it is. I'm not gonna get into that now.
See, the beauty of individuality is... how does the creator communicate with me?
It [The Spirit] takes what I know and things that I've encountered in life, and then assembles those things together correctly to create a thought that I understand. And if it's information that has no words yet, if it has no... “Oh, I've had no experience with it,” it still puts the knowledge in me, and then I'm directed to see something in life that I can extract a metaphor from, to explain what I know.
That's how it works.
It doesn't change your personality, it doesn't... I mean it has no interest in that type of control, there's only one energy that has interest in that type of control. And that's what we gonna get to next.
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OK, what is... Cancer? Oh, what is it?
People can assess it, and you know, they can say: “Well, it can be a virus, that inserts an onco gene, which is a cancerous gene in there, or a vibration that triggers the turning on of an onco gene or, you know, you could sit in ultraviolet light, and you know, or have some sort of damage done, and there are different repair mechanisms of DNA, you have basic repair, but if the damage is too bad, you have what's called "gross repair" and it starts inserting base pairs of DNA and sometimes it's incorrect – usually the cell dies but, occasionally a cancer gene is created. Trauma can create cancer. What happens?
Well, an onco gene, what is that doing? It's transcribing, as they know, an enzyme that renders the cell immortal, and it causes it to metastasize and try to take over the body, to grow and grow and grow and grow.
A cell has a normal life cycle that it goes through, but cancer violates that, with immortality.
But that's just *what* it's doing... It has nothing to do with why, it is only what.
Again, structure. Math... Quantity.
If you know a cell is conscious, and DNA is its... system of... of… how would you look at DNA? The same way you would look at the components in your body – it's part of it, it's the structure, the brain, the... My comparison of the DNA, what I contribute a lot of DNA to would be the liver in the body. Liver has twice the DNA of all the other cells and it produces over 90% of your blood plasma proteins, it's involved with so much. That would be a scalar jump of DNA to me. The liver. The liver is the most alive organ in the body; the brain is the most dead. The liver can regenerate.
Your consciousness is not so much confined to the brain... only for your five senses, and that input and then other things, thinking, and what not, but… your thoughts occur throughout your entire body, and around your body, more specifically.
Cancer is an insane energy, but it's not its fault. It is separate from this whole system that I'm talking about, this scalar reality of existence.
And it doesn't understand that as it grows, it's going to destroy its own ability to live.
So there's only one conclusion you can make... and that's absolute fear.
A disconnection somehow from the love, the consciousness, the understanding, the knowing of why it exists, the beauty of its existence and everything.
And the consciousness alters the DNA of the cell because it feels isolated, alone, and separate.
If you damage a cell, and it's trying to resist the death... imagine the fear of how it's played out if a cell’s dreaming where it gets damaged by something. And it gets so damaged that it's traumatized… the consciousness is going like crazy, trying to repair it, and whatnot.
And then it creates a resonance... Because of fear, it's so traumatized, this is just one instance, that it can’t remember anymore... it doesn't believe in the system: "How can this be happening?"
And its defense with fears that tries to take control, anger... aggression...
Suddenly, the consciousness is played out between cells, that... "Hey no, you're part of us" – "No I'm not!" – "I don't trust you – any of you!"
It becomes immortal, it creates that gene, and starts to use more abilities than it should in relation to other cells. Starts to hurt them. And the consciousness grows in scalar relation from… and this starts at the atomic level, people, below...
The next thing you know, it's tissue that it's focused on rather than the cell.
And tries to take over the tissue, it doesn't care about the tissue, that's why you have a lesion.
It's a war, it's killing other cells, otherwise, you wouldn't have a lesion, or an ulceration.
And then the consciousness goes after other cells, try to make them cancerous to grow on the body.
And it would have to seduce the cell to leave the system it's already part of, by traumatizing it, seducing it. "Look what I can do! Look, I'll scare you. Look, I could kill you right now, but look, do you want what I can do?”
And the cell has no idea the cancer just wants to take it over so it can make another scalar jump so it can use it to see itself as "I," and that is it.
That's what cancer is.
The body tries to attack it, because it recognizes that it's a foreign resonance now.
It’s just becomes an internal battle.
But when you correlate what happens with cancer, and I have, of people that have spontaneously healed, though they call it “spontaneous remission.” They've all done different things... there are people who tried procedures, "I'll take 10,000 mg of Vitamin C a day like Linus Pauling suggested" "I'll take homeopathy, homeopathic remedy" "I'll do yoga", I'll do this, I'll do that... So there are very different people that have done these different procedures that have avoided chemotherapy and radiation treatment, which is just another war.
And these people that have healed themselves from cancer all report, having... it didn't matter what their procedure was, they all report having this experience of infinity and an understanding of… and understanding of the scalar reality, whether they can say it in the same way I'm doing it doesn't matter... they know it.
And they try to express it to people the best way they can: "I just knew I was part of a whole loving system, a perfect system." And that, the whole body, you know, attached to that. And that was used to convince the energy animating the cancer cells, that, "Hey! You are part of me! I love you man, there's nothing wrong, there's nothing to be scared of. I'm sorry this happened, it was nobody's fault. Come back!"
And finally, what happened, is that energy made that leap of faith within your body, came back to you, everything was fine, the cancerous cells are shed, and when this spontaneous remission thing happens, it happens... it can happen in 24 to 48 hours, it's like snowballs melting on a stove. Tumors just go... Sshww! No chemicals can do that, no medicine, no chemotherapy, no radiation treatment, no immune system.
This is something different, and cancer is something different.
It's separation.
When the cancer recruits other cells, well how does it do it?
Ultimately, it uses all the tactics to scare it, intimidate it, seduce it, entice it...
What ultimately happens when it becomes a cancer cell is what? Well, remember, each cell has its own consciousness, and part of that consciousness sees itself as "I," and the other part is utilized by you, to see yourself as "I." Or the organ, to see itself as "I," that type of deal.
Cancer disconnects it from that, and plugs into it.
So, it still has its own individuality, but the other part of it is used by the cancer consciousness to see itself as "I."
It unplugs you from the cell, from you, and plugs into the cell, to see itself as "I."
And what's a tumor is.
Now your cells, obviously are connected to you in more ways than just consciousness: there are other dimensions, other realms... When it becomes overwhelmed by cancer, it forgets that until people have this scalar... you know, this event of infinity, of understanding.
That's the connection to the creator, the love, that which created everything.
And your beacon of… a problem
is responded to by the creator.
Now, here's the deal: time is related to scale as well.
Time for an atom is not the same amount of time for you. It's vibrating way too fast for you to perceive it. So, even time for, like say, a fruit fly, "Oh, it only lives 24 to 48 hours, what a short life." Well not to it. If it's on a different frequency, a different scale of existence, that can seem like a much longer period to it. That's why man has trouble trying to swat a fly. "Oh, that's because it has a neural strip on its abdomen and so it's just... reflexes, you know, and it has a reflex to your movement, and displacement of air...” No. You're moving really slow to that fly... and because your relationship with time relates to your relates to your... perception of depth, if you're on, say, one side of a room that has a 15 foot distance between 2 walls and you look at that, you perceive it in relation to your frequency of existence, your relation to time, and that's how you perceive depth. It will take me 2 seconds, 3 seconds to get to the other side. However, a fly looks 15 feet across the room, and its relationship to time, its relationship to depth is different, even though it may arrive there faster than you, it does not seem that way to the fly. It sees it as a very long distance away compared to how you perceive it. Imagine being a giant that’s 800-feet tall, standing on top of a mountain. Well, how far apart will those mountains really seem to you if you were that big? Much closer together than you would perceive it as your size, right? But, say, you were able to run to the other mountain or somehow move yourself with wings, faster than the giant could get there... Or observe the giant walking from mountain to mountain as a human that’s seeing a giant that big, it may look really slow to you, but its perception of time is just normal, it's just right. So you would appear to be really fast to it.
That's why larger things may appear to move slower, but from their relationship to time, they‘re not moving as slow as you perceive them to be.
So, even something like a cat will have a slightly – you know, just a slightly – different perception of time than you, you’re slower to your cat than, than you know, it is to you. That's why a cat, is more able to… to quickly grab a fly out of the air. It's not that it perceives itself to be moving any faster than it would if it were your size, it's just moving just right, it's what it's able to do... The fly is moving slower to the cat, than it is to you, do you understand?
And so what, this creative love force... I'll call it God, OK, it's easier to just say God... for now. It's not what it is, but I'm just gonna call it God, for simplicity.
Hmmm, God, immediately put into my mind that the whole idea of physics and chemistry and the periodic table is missing one element. For quantitative, not that it matters, but… and that is the element of time. Which, you know, just that, it’s a… the scalar jump from atoms to molecules to tissues to everything is missing the element of time.
Why am I telling you this?
Well, so if you know that, then if you go through some sort of cancer in your body, and even if you have a spontaneous remission that’s took 48 hours – amazingly fast for the tumors to dissolve –, from your cells' point of view that was not 48 hours. That was a long, drawn-out process, and, then, when the spontaneous remission happened, it was just as instantaneous for the cells as it was for you. And that's the true nature of love and God is that it's instantaneous. It will have a scalar... all the way down... Choo!
The cancer was healed immediately.
The process of shedding the cells is like cleanup after the other energy abandoned those cells, that's all that is.
The cancer, when it healed, was instantaneous.
Everything else was just cleanup, and the body is, you know, getting rid of the tumor.
What is occurring right now, on this level, is cancer. You have a consciousness.
Let me just back up here, so you understand some of these things. Why am I saying it the way I am saying it?
Well, one, I'm supposed to say it like this, this is something everybody needs to know.
Am I the first person that's talked like this or known this? Of course not... Everybody's connected to... well, can connect to God and you gonna find out most of you have been disconnected in a lot of ways, but they haven't been able to disconnect every way. Of course, otherwise cancer itself could not spontaneously heal.
But, ahmm, again, when God commands the mind, it takes what is in your mind, your personality, your experiences and it puts it together, around the truth. And if you don't have the words for it, it will direct you to an experience where you can extract a metaphor. This is the beauty of individuality, and how it embraces that. So, an artist can say what I'm saying, in a picture. A musician can write a song that expresses what I know, with notes. God will intervene… it will intervene and command and embrace the individuality of everybody with the truth. It's the beauty of everything, So you’re all… the people… That's the beauty of individuality.
As people... it's gonna be so neat because as people start to learn this stuff through connecting to the creator, it's gonna happen. You gonna see all these really neat different individual expressions, because God took in them, you know, and assembled in them the understanding through their point of view.
It's already happening, in a lot of ways... it's fantastically wonderful.
And that... and it's gonna go against this all idea of cloning, getting everybody to dress alike, talk alike, act alike, think alike, all of these things. That goes against the nature of God. God wants that individuality, otherwise everything's boring!
So now, you start to have an understanding of… you know, somewhat
of the scalar nature of your reality.
* * *
What you call the Illuminati,
and the energy they are serving is incredibly addicted to what it’s doing, and
I won't get into it, right now.
But obvious results, the mind is structure, so therefore math is structure. Mathematics, Geometry, Numerology. It's the result of creation.
Now you have a disconnected part of that creation that tries to assess everything by looking at all of the results of the creation and not the creator.
So it's a bunch of copying, reconfiguring, trying to use structure against structure. Math is not life.
You've got to understand, they're obsessed with numerology, zodiac, astrology, witchcraft... the whole thing is bound by structure. The pyramid, energy grids on the planet, they look and say, OK, it appears here, and structurally we can say why."
Because they're refusing… they're scared to death of this energy saying you are part of me.
And it's building up a wall of defense or has, against it.
How does love then take command over structure? Well, you've got to... be connected to it. And if you're disconnected from it and don't seek it with its hand always extended out to you… Even this cancerous energy has a giant hand, saying "Just grab it, man! Just grab it!"
Then you'll say, "I don't believe in God."
What if one of your skin cells said, you know, if one of my skin cells said, "I don't believe Jon exists. If you exist, Jon, show me yourself!" Well, I can’t. Because... it makes me up. I can’t shrink myself down without shrinking it down, it can’t perceive me in my full form from the outside to see me as a being, if it's within my being.
I can love it, send it nutrients, carbohydrates proteins, electrolytes, minerals, oxygen, but when it's healthy it just knows that.
Cancer is induced by trauma and that can come in various ways: it could be a virus, could be UV damage to a cell. What happens there?
The DNA gets so beat up, base pairs are removed, and there's different repair mechanisms sometimes it's able to replace base pairs that have been lost. Sometimes it's so screwed up, it undergoes what's called gross repair it just starts putting them together at random.
Normally the cell dies, but sometimes it creates what's called an “onco gene.” This is how they assess it molecularly.
Like computers, geneticists don't get it. If you take an advanced genetic course in university you see that everything is explained to you either in math or structure. You take chemistry, and it's all structure... electro-negativity. The creator put in my mind, there's an element, right away, what's missing from the periodic table... Time.
But anyway, electro negativity is the tendency of an atom or the nucleus of an atom to want to draw electron consciousness around it, within a molecule. You see that with water... oxygen would be considered an electronegative atom, and hydrogen's not. So when you have 2 hydrogens hanging off of an oxygen, and you have all the electron consciousness bathing it, surrounding it, seeing itself as "I, the water molecule," it decides to allocate more electrons, or that consciousness, around the oxygen, therefore less electron energy is shielding the hydrogens, so they call it a polarized molecule, or "polar." Positive charge by the hydrogens and negative, or more electron consciousness, around the oxygen.
Well, OK, so it's like magnets
or magnetic attraction.
If you start to get large molecules they can start to have different... when you have proteins in your body, let’s deal with the body. You have different levels of structure they're called primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary. Tertiary would be... Primary is just the chain, secondary is the winding of the chain. Tertiary would be folding of the chain upon itself to take a shape. Quaternary would be different molecules coming together and being magnetically attracted to each other like an anti-body would be quaternary structure.
Why am I telling you this? Because, how does an enzyme... an enzyme is a protein it's a large chain, and chains wrapped around themselves to take a shape. Scientists say: "Well, there are different atoms in there that are an electronegative they draw a certain amount of electron consciousness around themselves, therefore, making other atoms, more positively charged as it appears, so any molecule that will come in contact with it will be magnetically attracted to various components of that enzyme." *pi pi pi poo poo poo pu poo poo poo*... it's the computer thinking that through "...Then you have coenzymes that attach to the enzyme, like a certain B vitamin that because of its electronegativity draws certain electronegative consciousness or certain electron consciousness around itself therefore it's shielding less of certain parts of the enzyme, so, because of that it changes certain magnetic relationships and its changes it shape. And then you have co-factors which attach to the certain coenzymes like magnesium and that... it draws... more or gives off more electrons and change its shape turning on, turning off... like a computer.”
"DNA is... multiplies because you have a helices enzyme that starts to go anywhere within the DNA and open it up like a bubble and unwind it, unzip it then polymerizes enzymes will attach itself to a certain codon and begin to move down that codon to transcribe RNA which is then transferred to a ribosome which reads that but through electronegative attraction and transcribes an amino acid which becomes a protein which becomes a structure."
OK, that is... Yeah... that structure that is occurring… sure.
What they're missing is the consciousness involved, what do you think, that just happens at random? Meiosis and Mitosis are just random acts of accidental attraction due to electronegativity and the charge within certain molecules?
And you actually have professors that think they know something that teach this.
The reason they think they know something is because they're only allowed to know that and ridiculed if they don't... if they don't follow that, so that they can brainwash other students and keep them from thinking.
And even the consciousness that runs that is structure.
Let me give you a really good example of what I mean, cause see I can go on all day about this. Literally, I could have a... 150 hour upload. I can go on about science, properties, reality, whatever... all day, it would do nothing for you... I need to give you metaphors, I need to give you the ability to understand what I'm talking about, so let me try to do that for you.
You know, I remember going through the pre-med major was a breeze for me. Did I get all A's? No... Sometimes I made the decision to do something else.. But when I studied it I enjoyed it but I had no... nobody around who understood it.
There's one professor who memorized a lot that I like, and he was a Jewish professor, and always felt this need to challenge me, I know why now. We still get along, just last month we were arguing for like 4 hours about who runs the world and what's going on. Back and forth of course of the Jewish thing, back and forth.
I had intuition, he had structure. We end with a hug of course, cause he knew that I saw through that and saw what was occurring with him on one level.
He... When I had him for... He was my physiology professor but I also took clinical endocrinology with him. And I had other things going on I missed 3 weeks of class straight... I went into his office and the exam was the following day and I'm like "Ah fuck, I'm fucked aren't I?" You know? Not cause I didn't think I could do it, I just knew that the protocol of everything... "You need to be here this long in order to learn, this is what I believe…" that type of thing... We sat down and had a heart to heart talk about life for about an hour, and I really appreciate that. He took the time to do that. I really did appreciate that, and he said, “OK, well, the exam is tomorrow, here's what you need to know.” And he handed me about 3 inches thick of a… information: notes, handouts, all that. By then I knew that I could understand what I was looking at from a different point of view, I said, “OK.”
I took it home, and learned it. Didn't memorize it, I learned it. Which allowed me to retain it. And I took the exam.
Then, of course, he hands it back the following week, and he throws it down on my desk, shaking his head, ...out on my desk, shaking his head, and there's the great "B+." And then he says, "Flash recall will get you nowhere."
And I knew right then he couldn't understand, that it was not flash recall, I still to this day know most of what was on that exam.
I throw it on his face even now. It's what of the things that I was arguing with him about. I say, "You see, this was like 10 years ago almost... yeah, 10 years ago, actually, and you accuse me of flash recall? Compare me to any student you have right now... the understanding of it. What I'm trying to show you,” I said to him, “is that I understand why things are happening. Love, the intelligence of love... “
I've used this analogy, it was given to me, sitting by a river.
I had a question: "What is love then?"
The answer was given to me right there on the spot.
It explained to concept of male/female energy to me in my mind... in my heart... it just... How can I explain this to you?
I was sitting by a river and you know those certain plants that pop up out of grass, that have the male components sticking up – the female leaves it just points my head down. Look at that leaf, you just know, so you look at it, and I'm trying to figure out what is it trying to tell me, until I realize.
It infuses into me.
OK, male and female components, then it will make me observe what's around the structure: oh, the energy manifesting it.
OK, now I get it, so male-female energy, then it moves my head up to the sun and then I realized, OK, male energy.
That's what the Sun is – outward energy. Then it moved it down to my penis. Male energy, outward energy. Then it moved my head up to... Not like controlling me like a puppet, it's just the way I'm saying it to you. To leaves on a tree, well, they receive the photon energy they're female, and the energy around them... female... receiving... And then... the parts of the tree that look like an antenna – the broadcasting type – it's the male part of the tree.
And then it made me understand that every... I'm not talking about masculine and feminine, everybody has so many different male/female energies, in/out energies in your body. Hmm, then I understood, then it put in my mind:
“Now you understand what's going on, there's this outward destructive energy occurring on the planet. All the electromagnetic pollution, stimulation, everything... this is outward male energy. That's why the Illuminati worship the Sun, and the phallus – it's male energy.”
But see, when you're hit with all this magnetic energy, it throws your energy system out of balance, which can be “female-out-of-balance,” and “male-out-of-balance.”
And made me understand that if male is out of balance, outward giving energy becomes aggressive forceful energy, it can be in your actions striking another individual, venomous words and language, it's outward aggressive energy.
If female is all out of balance then rather than being receiving it become absorbing, gluttony, shopping excessively, consuming, basically. People that are around you, they feel like they suck your energy away from you, that's female energy out of balance. The more out of balance it becomes then the more out of balance male becomes in a person, they become more bipolar, or polarized.
It made me look at my shoes. I'm like... why am I looking at my shoes for? Then it focuses on the rubber, on the bottom of my shoes. “The rubber on your shoes, it's an insulator. You're walking around without the ability to discharge, or ground yourself to the planet, and rid your body of this excess electromagnetic energy which is throwing you out of balance.” It said, “take your shoes off.
So I took my shoes off. It says, “Now you're discharging. Put your feet in the water. *Pshiu!* Now we're bringing you into balance, and then it made me look at the tree and made me understand this,
“The tree is the same as you – it has in and out energy, male/female energy, it's conscious – on a different timescale. The tree is one of the most content life forms there is, because it needs not even move...”
It put the question in my mind, when I say it like that, you think that there is some sort of dialog going on... Again, it's the only way I can express it to you, but that's not how it is. But that's how I'm gonna say it, OK? Just to make it easy to speak to you.
If a tree were scared of dying, or being killed, would it even grow? You can do anything to a tree and it will keep growing until it loses its capability, but if it were worried about a tornado that could show up at some time, what is the point of growing?
It said, “if you wanna see what you're missing, look to the tree. What does the tree have that you don't have?”
Then it whip my head back down – male/female, Sun, leaves, all around, trying to coordinate it for me, extracting a metaphor, and then have the information available to me that I could look up, so it had to do it this way.
And then in my head it came up with certain things: “Well, OK, it [the tree] wasn't inhibited by religion, forced into synthetic guilt, shame and fear. It wasn't told generically what it's supposed to do, but not explained to it, and then coaxed with subliminal messages and programming and consciousness manipulation to make it do what it's not supposed to do, it's not inhibited with fluoride or NutraSweet. It's not, you know, subject to media or mind control.
So the tree has an active connection to love and intuition.
And it said, “Love,” and this is where I learned this, “Love processes the mind, it is the solvent to polarity it... the mind, which is this input-output male-female energy and consciousness and structure, therefore exists in the tree and in you, regardless of difference in form... Why create everything the same? All things being equal though, same type of energy system, it is connected to me.”
So then the scenario went... When you walk into he woods, why is it that everybody you know, they can be angry, afraid, worried, frustrated, all these different vibrations associated with your thought, your thought will be on the carrier wave of that vibration. One and the same.
So, like, you know, if you listen to your favorite radio station 103.2 megahertz. Are you listening to a constant tone of 103.2 MHz? No. Your ear can’t even receive that, and even if it was decoded and lowered down that just be a constant sine wave. No, that's the carrier wave, and then embedded secondarily upon that is the audiogram of the music that you hear, the spectrogram and audiogram of the music upon that carrier wave.
Well, your thoughts, you can have a thought, "I am Jon," and have that go in different carrier waves, one of lack of self-esteem, one of love, one of answering a question when the professor says, "Please raise your hand if in attendance." The same information can go on different carrier waves.
So the emotion is information, it is also a thought in and of itself, and so is the thought. When you walk on to the woods and you feel bad, why does everybody start to feel better?
They all know what, but they don't understand why. Well gee, maybe it's just cause it's so serene? No. And it directed me to go start walking in the woods. "Take off your shoes" So I took off my shoes and I started walking in the woods.
"How do you feel?"
I feel better. Why?
Then it just whip my head: male-female, male-female love, male, female, love. This aura around me, which would be like the electron consciousness around a proton of an atom in a different way, expands now, additional energies were drained.
And any angst, any anxiety was being radiated out.
And, of course, the same bandwidth of existence the trees are in as you, otherwise you couldn't perceive them. Their input output male female energy receives your thought and emotion, yet it's animation is guided by this love, and this intuition, by the creator itself...
And so it is that love that processes your feeling as it absorbed by the female part, like a function in calculus... what's missing in calculus and not missing in the tree is the love of the creation and the intent.
And that love knows everything, so it catches that your emotion is wrong. “Not in my world are you to be feeling that way."
Let me assess why as you radia… you’re radiating out all the information about what you're feeling, why you're feeling everything... It takes it and turns what's incorrect into correct, changing the carrier wave frequency to what it should be, and the information being adjusted, and then the male part of the tree radiates it back to you on your frequency, because that's what it came in as, and that information infuses you and alters your perception of what you were worried about, and gives you the true way to view it.
Indirectly. Just by being around other life forms still connected to love, answers can come from trees. Is it coming from the tree itself? Or the love that it's connected to that processes your thoughts?
And it said: "What's going on in this planet is a disease, in its truest form, it's a disconnection. What you're experiencing now is what your body has been disconnected from. Love is the processor and solvent to polarity, it commands the mind. It allows it to work correctly, infusing it with information. All the animals, all the plants, everything there is what you're going to learn from, you are not going to learn from aliens, they are just as disconnected. The ones that are running this planet are disconnected, you cannot learn from them. Stop looking up for UFO’s, stop looking up for new information, and look at what I have allowed to be right in front of you. My creation in its perfect form.
They did not think to alter all the other creations. Therefore, your answer is right in front of your face.
You are going to pull out of this that you're in by absorbing my other creations that are not suffering from it. Your answers are in front of your face, and I am guiding you now."
And that's how it happened with me.
The most advanced scientific
knowledge – given to me from the creative source, no book, no video, no
lecture, no mentor, no professor, unnecessary.
* * *
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