Tässä siis katkelma Wes Penren mainitusta artikkelista The
Death Trap and How to Avoid It, liitteheksi ”Lionlight” –ajatelmaani ja
edellisen kirjoitukseni, Atlas shrunked, LP –versioon (haha).
Alkuperäiset ”liitesuunnitelmani” kuitenkin hieman muuttuivat – tai paremminkin täydentyivät
– tässä vuorokauden aikana. Eilen tein nimittäin mukavan löydöksen, joten päätin liittää toisenkin pitkän siteeerauksen Penren pitkän siteerauksen perään. Myös "lisäkesitaatti" liittyy teemaan; sitäkin voi pitää eräänlaisena versiona
”Hiirenloukkuvalosta” - tosin toisessa merkityksessä, mutta vain tavallaan.
[Sanon ”tavallaan” siksi, että kyse on lopulta samasta kontrollimekanismista -
tai illuusiosta tai huijauksesta -, ja jälkimmäisessä sitaatissa huijausta
selitetään toiselta, arkisemmalta kannalta. Teksti on Adampantsilta, perimätiedon
mukaan (haha) hänen foorumipostauksistaan.]
Pieni "varoitus" kuitenkin: ihminen saa toden teolla punnertaa päästäkseen näitä esityksiä metafyysisemmäksi. Tässä eivät enää auta edes avautut ikkunat (tilan luomiseksi suurille ajatuksille siis). Olemme väistämättä ontologian syvimmässä olemuksessa - tai ainakin
atomeista rakennetun olevaisen syvimmässä olemuksessa.
(Kevyt editointi – tekstin lyhentäminen ja mahdollinen sisentäminen
sekä paikoitellen myös kappalejaottelu – on omani.)
When we
are trapped here in the 4% Physical Universe, we have very little connection
with our Higher Self (Spirit/Oversoul) because of the electronic obstacles that
have been created as barriers between soul and Spirit. [...] There is, when the soul is free, a constant
communication between soul and Spirit. [...]
people who are waking up feel that their awareness and their consciousness has
increased, and indeed they have! What happens is that the soul that is you in
this reality is beginning to break down the amnesia barriers in your DNA and in
your soul, and you vaguely remember [...] the part of your existence as a soul
that was not manipulated; you were living in the Spiritual Universe with a
direct connection with Spirit and the [The Prime Creator]. In the extension, we
also begin to connect with Spirit/Oversoul, and this creates epiphanies,
“strange experiences,” “knowingness” without any substance to it in this
reality, intuition, telepathic abilities, ESP, psychic abilities in general,
and much more. A person, who experiences any or all of the above, is to that
extent reconnected [...].
you’re with me so far, you are most likely vibrating on a higher level than the
limited frequency band we call the Third Dimension. [...]
In my
opinion, there is an urgency when it comes to learning about (or remembering)
these things. In my book, Synthetic Super-Intelligence and the
Transmutation of Humankind—A Roadmap to the Singularity, I disclosed the
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Agenda and its first big goal—the Singularity. I
doubt that anyone who is reading this article wants to be part of the
Singularity. Therefore, it’s imminent that we learn how to exit the frequency
prison before we once again end up in the Death Trap.
has been much discussion about an “Alien Invasion” and the “Return of the
gods,” but it seems to me, when looking at it in perspective, the Alien
Invasion is the Singularity, and that is when the gods will return. This
is just my own hypothesis, but in all this, it’s what makes the most sense. The
AIF [Alien Invader Force] -controlled Artificial Intelligence, with its goal—the
Singularity—is the Alien Invasion that people have predicted and in that
same breath, the gods will return—shortly before the Singularity or shortly
after—and there is nothing “fake” about this invasion.
The Death Trap
usually happens when we die is that Spirit Guides, who are more often than not
AIF in disguise, escort us to where in the astral we are supposed to go. Where
we end up depends on our beliefs—if we believe in Jesus and Heaven, we are most
likely to be transported into such a frequency band (dimension) in the astral
plane. We will mingle with likeminded, and there might even be a God there, and
Jesus might sit by his side—it’s all virtual realities within virtual
realities, and we help creating these realities with our beliefs, which form
the energy we transmit and receive. Therefore, someone who believes in Krishna
will likely end up in a dimension within the hologram containing a Hindu belief
afterlife often begins with a “tunnel of light,” through which the discarnate
soul/mind/light-body travels to her destination. At the end of the
tunnel, an appropriate being greets the soul. This being could be Jesus or
Krishna, or simply a loved one, who has passed away earlier. These
beings/persons are often just projections, created by the AIF to pull the soul
into a certain “container” or “astral dimension.”
knows whom to project because they have the technology to scan the soul—before
or at the death moment—for memories and experiences. These memories and
experiences are then used to give the soul a “life review,” where she will
re-experience the most recent lifetime in a matter of seconds or minutes,
measured in Earth time. The soul is then encouraged to examine this life
experience and compare the good and not so good things she did during her
previous lifetime. Subsequently, she discusses with her Spirit Guide what she
needs to improve, and the soul will then feel a certain amount of guilt for the
“bad things” she did to herself or others, or what she neglected to do for other
people while she was incarnated. The Spirit Guide then suggests that the soul
returns to Earth to remedy these “flaws.” In order to create balance, the
Spirit Guide will tell the soul that in the next incarnation it is a good idea
to experience the “other side of the coin,” i.e. if the soul was abusive to
others in the previous life, it’s a good idea to become the abused in the next
lifetime to experience the matter from the other person’s perspective. This is
where the idea of karma comes into play. It is a term and a “phenomenon”
invented by the AIF with the purpose of having the soul reincarnate willingly
under a strict set of rules.
should also be mentioned that in some instances, a discarnate soul is recycled
immediately after the recent body has expired. This soul goes through a
tunnel as well, but in these cases, the tunnel just leads back to Earth again,
and the soul is shot into a new body—she has no choice in the matter.
The “adventures” in the afterlife trap are
fairly well described by author and researcher Dr. Michael Newton, who wrote a
series of books on the subject, after having put more than 7,000 subjects into
regression therapy, where the subjects were telling similar stories of what
happens between lives. His best book, in my opinion, is Destiny of
Souls. A synopsis of this book can be found [in] one of my papers, Wes
Penre, March 25, 2011: Metaphysics Paper #4: There is a Light at the End of
the Tunnel - - What Happens After Body Death?
if [the departed
soul] is vibrating on a frequency that is equivalent to the Christian
Heaven, an Islamic Heaven, in Hell, or elsewhere, this between lives zone is
just a temporary abode; the soul will eventually be brought into a “control
room” in the astral, and with assistance from advanced technology, the soul
will be beamed back to the Earth plane and will hover around the pregnant
woman who is to become his or her mother, and at a point during the pregnancy,
the soul enters the body, upon which a new lifetime begins.
This describes the Death Trap in a nutshell. This soul recycling process
has been practiced here for millennia, and each time we enter a new body, we
do this with artificially induced amnesia caused by the AIF. Thus, we more
or less have to relearn what we learned in previous lives. And even
though we are not allowed to remember our past lives, traumas and
experiences from other lifetimes and other lines of time affect us in the
current incarnation because they are embedded in our soul. As a result, we
often don’t understand why we act and react the way we do and why we are afraid
of certain things and not of others. This makes life on Earth extremely
difficult, and the so-called learning lessons are often filled with trauma,
guilt, anger, sadness, and other unwanted experiences. This is not how it is supposed to
must also be mentioned that our wide range of emotions are also a part of the
human experiment in 3-D, and thus part of the Physical Universe experience and our human
consciousness. The Spirit/Oversoul and the soul, when consciously living
in the KHAA, does not have the same range of emotions we experience on Earth. This
range of emotion was created by the AIF in order to better control us. [...]
It has more often than not led to pain and suffering and even more separation.
It has led to conflict, jealously, power struggles, and much, much more. Yes,
we also have the ability to love another person (i.e. another part of
ourselves) [...] but the love we feel for each other is still to a large degree
selfish love—we give, but we also need.
In the KHAA, there is love as
well, although it’s on an entirely different level. It’s
unconditional in a sense, but it doesn’t mean that beings can attack each other
and let “unconditional love” restrain them from acting upon the assault. Things
are handled accordingly, but as a rule, as peacefully as possible [...]. The
Unconditional Love, as we see it, is [...] where the [The Prime Creator] has Unconditional Love for all [Its] creations.
After all, [It] “said,” “Go out and Create whatever you want, but you are
responsible for what you create.”
AIF tell us in the astral, if asked, that we need to have amnesia
because time on Earth is linear (which is a construct), and it would be too
overwhelming to remember everything. This is nonsense. If we remembered, we
could at least have the option to do something about our problems, but those
who control this system don’t want us to be too clever. They keep us here so we
can be their slaves and their workforce, not their equals or their
superiors. The way it is setup, we don’t even know the source of our problems
because they often originated in other lifetimes. On the other hand, this
3-D experience, instigated by En.ki and his cohorts in the AIF, is a trap to
begin with, so this previous discussion is basically obsolete. We need a
way to break out of the prison, and fortunately there is a way!
There are no atoms in the Spiritual Universe. Although
"thought" is also a construct of sorts, which we are using here in
the trap as well; it is a higher level of construct. As soon as we fragment
ourselves from the Whole, we need to step down at least a little bit in order
to be able to operate even in the Spiritual Universe. Therefore, thought, which
is the highest level of operation [...] is what beings in the Spiritual
Universe use to operate. From there comes imagination, intention, and
manifestation. By transmitting your thoughts to other fire fragments, you can
find beings who are willing to co-create with you, and you can create whatever
you want. When the creation has fulfilled its purpose, you can un-create
it--also with thought. And as I've mentioned many times before--beings in
the KHAA travel from one point (of view) to another with the speed of thought.
This is
very difficult to put down in words because it's "out of this world."
Therefore, what I wrote here is very simplified, but it’s the way I've
come to understand it. We live in a virtual reality that has become extremely
complex. [...] Haven't we all heard the expression, "keep it simple?"
That's a very good idea.
might be difficult to wrap our heads around the fact that everything made of
atoms is part of the trap. The easiest way to comprehend this, perhaps, is to compare the
atomic universe (the physical universe) with our thoughts. Are our thoughts
made of atoms? No. If we create with our thoughts (inside our
"head"), are these thoughts made of atoms? No. Thus, if we exist in a
VOID, which is VOID of atoms, and we create with our thoughts and manifest
these thoughts directly into the VOID, are our manifestations made of atoms?
you can also create "illusions" the way En.ki did. You do so by manipulating
spirits in your environment. When Lucifer/En.ki did this, it had not been done
in such a manner before, apparently. He created bodies of much lower
frequencies and implanted a virtual reality into them. Then he seduced spirits
to go in there and experience it [...] Once in that virtual reality, he
closed the trap and made us believe that our physical bodies are very important
and that they are separate from the spirit/soul/mind. This is how he created
separation. Embedded into the physical body was also an astral body that the
spirit was manipulated into using when the body expires. Thus, he had control
over the Spirit fragments even in the afterlife. This astral body (that is
not you) feels a loss from the separation of the body, and even though she
experiences a more exhilarated state of being in the astral, she thinks she
needs to get back to get a new physical body to become "whole" again,
and to live out her karma (something that is also a part of the manipulation). Also,
the soul feels the urge to return to Earth because Earth was the planet where
she originally was assigned her mission. She doesn’t remember that this
assignment was in the KHAA and not in the Physical Universe.
To be
able to create the illusion of the astral dimensions (the dimensions of the
physical universe) En.ki created the physical universe with all its dimensions from
the smallest and up, meaning he created a mini universe of atoms that built a
"bigger" universe of planet, stars, and galaxies, etc. It
was all copy-catted from the basic Spiritual Universe. En.ki's atoms become the
cornerstones of the physical universe, and advanced technology is holding these
atoms in place by keeping them within a certain limited frequency band and
vibrations—thus the limitations we experience. The atoms in our bodies vibrate
within this limited frequency as well, and so we are trapped—or we are led
to think we are.
is a key to keeping the hologram in place in our solar system. Saturn transmits certain
sound frequencies that can be heard in NASA videos. It sounds very distorted
and dissonant, and it is. We can only hear these sound frequencies within the
band of human perception when they are slowed down, i.e. within the frequency
band of the trap. Indeed, the frequencies that Saturn (and other planets, too) transmit
are the frequencies that help keeping the hologram intact. It's all done with
advanced ET technology. [...]
* * *
Tähän päättyi Penren sitaatti. Suosittelen lukemaan koko
alkuperäisen artikkelin, sillä se sukeltaa syvälle ”virhetodellisuuden laatuun
ja luonteeseen” ja selittää, miksi olisi tärkeää havahtua, noh, huijaukseen.
Seuraavaksi Adampants ja Perceiving Dimensions [joka
on taltioitu blogiin Calcified Lies 26.2.2016]. Teksti käsittelee samaa
huijausta jota Penrenkin artikkeli, mutta arkisemmassa ja
käytännönläheisemmässä yhteydessään.
* * *
This is
going to be a difficult subject for a being confined to the 3rd dimension to
understand. [...]
I am
being taught by a consciousness higher than the 3rd dimension. Otherwise, I
would never be able to grasp this. They are literally SHOWING me….then I do my
best to explain it.
Most of
you can look up the current explanations of tetraspace and hear about a
terraset. Well, if you are like MOST people, it seems interesting, but you
really just sit there and assume the person talking is correct. Why? You can’t
see it.
Now, if
you [...] were to shine, say, a flashlight onto the 2nd dimensional surface…the
2nd dimensional being would see the light, but could NOT see the SOURCE of it.
We have
holograms in our world yes….but 4th dimensional beings do as well. If you
project a movie onto a movie screen, you see a 2nd dimensional image. Shadows
and light reflection are the REAL 2nd dimension. If you draw an image on
“paper” that is still 3rd dimension…even if it is a very thin raise off of the
paper. But shadows and light reflection ARE 2nd dimension. You may see a
“movie” and your “brain” may interpret it as a 3rd dimensional scene….assuming
depth even though you see no depth…because of your “experience”. If you shine
3rd dimensional light onto a 3rd dimensional surface…but a 2nd dimensional
plane…you get a 2nd dimensional reflection. If you shine that same light onto a
3rd dimensional object….like a tree….it is individual 2nd dimensional
reflections….but on a 3rd dimensional object….so the variance in depth of
the object makes you see the variance in reflection. Your brain puts them
ALL together to make a 3rd dimension “interpretation”.
you shine a 4th dimensional light onto a 3rd dimensional plane that is flat
(2nd dimensional)…..you get a 3rd dimensional reflection. If you see what you
think is a “ghost”….it is a shadow of a 4th dimensional being. It’s shadow is
3D to YOU.
If a 4D
being wanted to shine a 4D “movie” onto the 3rd dimension…..you would see a 3D
scene. What you don’t understand is that there is SPACE where you can’t
perceive space.
For example….9/11.. …you think the hologram was A)
generated from the 3rd dimension…nope….and you think it was empty space and
that there was NOTHING to shine it ON….nope. What you saw on 9/11 was NO
different than what you see in a movie theatre…no difference. ONLY…it was
movie generated and projected from the 4th dimension ONTO the 3rd dimension.
So, you saw a 3rd dimensional scene reflecting off of a plane you can NOT
perceive as a 3rd dimensional being. Well, you can, but are not."
[Tässä Adampants viitannee torniin
törmänneisiin koneisiin (tai siis torniin ”törmänneisiin koneisiin”). Kirjoituksessani
Korkeamman asteen polynomifunktioita 2/3 kirjoitin: ”Villeimpien
teorioiden mukaan mitään konetta ei edes ollut, vaan kyse oli Suuresta Illuusiosta”,
ja viittasin Shahzwar Bugtin julkaisemaan YouTube –videosarjaan, The
Illuminati & Dajjal, jonka osissa 4-14 argumentoidaan hyvin
vaikuttavasti se, ettei paikalla ollut oikeita lentokoneita.]
"I have
SEEN the reflections of the 4th dimension. When you train your brain, you can
BEND this reality. Truth..it is ALREADY bent…and folded. The 4th dimension USES
the 3rd dimension to make itself up, much like the 3rd dimension uses the 2nd
dimension for itself…and so on.
You are
confusing “3rd dimensional” holograms with 4th dimensional holograms. Here they
are “holograms”…. from there…they are just projections. For example…if you were
a 2nd dimensional being and existed in the plane of the “movie screen”…you
would experience the images and “move around them”…but could NOT SEE the
projector or WHERE it is coming from. It is being projected from OUTSIDE your
plane of existence. Same thing here.
MANY and
I mean MANY holograms are used on you DAILY…but they are NOT 3rd dimensionally
generated holograms. LASERS COME from the understanding OF the 4th dimension.
If you look at a laser dot on a wall, you can perceive DEPTH in that dot.
Basically…..4D onto 2D gives you 3D..
sense so far?
First of
all, you just have to “experience” the reflections and projections of the 4th
dimension to understand what I am talking about.
If you
argue with me, that is only because you are arguing with information from
INSIDE the 3 dimensional BOX. Stop looking at holograms like this from a 3D
physics perspective. Those holograms are just like the poor man’s copy of 4D
projections….you see?
With 3D
holograms, you project light onto something. Remember the “tree” example? They
are ALL 2 dimensional planes…but at different depths….your brain puts ALL of
their INDIVIDUAL reflections (they being leaves, branches, etc.) at their
different depths from you TOGETHER. Well…..3D holograms just mimic this by
creating WAVEFORMS that TRICK your brain into perceiving DEPTH..interference
4D projections are different. If you shine a flashlight onto a wall, you see
the “circle”…the 2D reflection, right? You shine 3D light onto the wall and get
a 2D reflection. However, if you shine a 4D light onto the 3rd dimension, you
do not get a circle. What do you get? Yup….a SPHERE.
would explain people seeing “orbs” and such. “Orbs” are no different than a
flashlight on a wall. It is just that you can not perceive the plane REFLECTING
that light BECAUSE you exist INSIDE that very plane. However, you see the
light…you can’t see the source.
When you
SEE this with your OWN eyes….you will start to understand. No 3rd dimensional
“critical thinking” will touch it…and it is quite humorous. No “physics” book
can show you. It can possibly describe it, like I am here, but it can’t SHOW
the projections are 3D, they look quite real. In fact, yes, you can project a
“movie” of a “body” or “person” in this reality and you will ONLY see the
reflection…or “the body”. It will seem quite real if coming from the 4th
dimension. You are seeing FAKE people, especially on “tv” ALL OF THE TIME.
When you
can learn to “change” your perception, you can LITERALLY see THROUGH the
hologram and SEE what it is covering up……yup…….NON humans. They create a
magnetic field AROUND their body and shine a MOVIE of a human ONTO the surface
of their body and OF COURSE it will cover from EVERY angle. Your mind is being
TRICKED and Hypnotized into seeing humans. In truth, their “body” is a 3D
“movie screen”. You are looking at the “movie” and NOT the “screen”…..THEM.
looking at the silver of a “mirror” once. Why do you think it is silver? You’ll
see…try LOOKING at IT and NOT the reflection. When you can discipline your mind
to do THAT, THEN and ONLY then, will you know what I am talking about. You must
learn to look THROUGH the 4th dimensionally projected MOVIE onto these beings’
bodies and SEE the BEING. When you do…..lol, you are gonna flip out. They are
RIGHT THERE….right in FRONT of your FACE.
can they project a “movie”, but they can project “other energy” patterns to
simulate “texture” and “tactile” existence….heat, texture….a “copy” of a human
it is JUST interference patterns. It is ELECTROMAGNETIC….your nervous system IS
electromagnetic. Why do you think an eeg, ecg, or myogram WORKS? Every time a neuron
depolarizes that is an electromagnetic emittance. In this case…..structure AND
waveform are one in the same. Again, this is something you have to SEE to know.
When you do, try to remain calm.
how they have been controlling the world. They are ALSO psychic and KNOW if you
see them, lol. Trust me. I “dated” one of them.
To know
the truth, you must be able to handle the “ego deflation”. If you want to
continue to “believe” you are “smart”, fine, go ahead. No one is stopping you.
But, if you are TRULY concerned about THIS topic, then you must be able to
expand outside of “science created” belief systems.
“science” is a FRAUD and they KNOW IT. It works well enough to cover 3D…but NOT
reality as a whole…which was the POINT…to preoccupy the 3D mind.
difference between “3D” created “holograms” and what you saw on 9/11 is just
that. It was NOT a “3D” hologram. It was NOT a hologram AT ALL. You PERCEIVE it
as a “hologram”. HoloGRAM. Holograms are mimics of 4D projections. What you saw
on 9/11 was a REAL 4D projection. You see? Very REAL looking isn’t it. Well, it
should be.
very BODY is a PROJECTION into this reality. You look the way you think you
look HERE because that is the nature of THIS plane. However, it is NOT you.
will play a huge role here. Most will NOT want to see for themselves. They
would rather “argue” and “debate” about it…without having to take that step.
This is human nature. Most people ‘argue’ and ‘debate’ about serious issues
that they would never have the balls to take a REAL stance on….same thing here.
I am not saying YOU people. I am talking about “society”. There are those that
would WANT to see, even if it frightens them. I can tell you that it is only
scary at first.
beings showing me take steps. Much like you can fold a piece of paper, they can
FOLD this REALITY. Crazy stuff man, you just have to see it for yourself. I
will look at my hand and they will fold it. Or SHOW me the HIDDEN “depth” or
“space” IN my hand that I could not SEE before. Kind of like walking into a
closet and then changing your perception to interact with a GIANT world WITHIN
that closet.
your right eye and hold your left hand in front of your left eye. Now “rotate”
it…so you see your palm, then the back of your hand. As a 2nd dimensional
being….though you have to be able to discipline your mind here….your brain is
“wired” to “assume” 3D….would NOT understand what it saw. Much like a baby has
2nd dimensional perspective….this is why PEEK-A-BOO works. It can NOT
comprehend where your face went when you covered it….or, can’t comprehend
Get it?
from THAT perspective, if you start rotating your hand in front of your
face….the only way you could perceive that would be as “SHAPESHIFTING”. Why?
You can’t perceive that “Depth”…or additional “dimension” for it to rotate.
Similarly, align your hand so that it is at a perpendicular angel to the
direction you are looking…at IT. Now you see your thumb and forefinger. Okay.
Imagine being a 2nd dimensional being. THAT would be the body. Now…if you
suddenly LOWERED one finger, you would see a NEW finger……or “shapeshifting”.
The true being in front of you…the “hand” is ALL of that. However, from YOUR
perspective as a 2nd dimensional being, you only see THAT angle…no DEPTH. To
suddenly show you a different finger would freak you out! You would suddenly
“debate” about how that violates “thermodynamics” lol. Nope, it is just that
you couldn’t perceive any ROOM or SPACE for the other fingers to hide.
same thing here. The “Reptilians” are NOT just the “human” form. But, in THIS
plane, you can’t perceive anywhere for the REST of them to “hide”. When they
“move” through this dimension, they can suddenly appear to “shapeshift”.
Nope…..just like lowering a finger to a 2nd dimensional being.
and Demons are the SAME thing. Whatever you want to call them. They are REAL.
When you learn to see them, you will know. It isn’t that they aren’t there, it
is that you are not LOOKING. They ARE there. To those who can not see it, you
are like fish in a barrel. They direct ACCESS to any 3D coordinate.
example, on an X and Y plot graph….as a 3D being you can just find the
coordinate and reach down and plot that coordinate, right? You do not have to
follow a 2D path. Similarly, look at one of those “maze” puzzles on paper. To
play, you are simulating yourself as a 2nd dimensional being. If you play as a
3rd dimensional being there is nothing to play….just reach down and mark an X
where it says “finish”.
Get it?
As a 3rd
dimensional being, you have an additional option of “Travel”. Much like a car
can only move forwards, backwards, left, and right……well if you are a plane,
you can ALSO do those things, BUT…you can go UP and DOWN as well. It is an
additional OPTION…that is all. You could bend the 2nd dimensional plane, but a
CAR would still have to follow the road, get it? The “length” of that road
would still be the same….slight distortion. A plane as additional options to
get from A to B…..or take the direct path. Well, what APPEARS to be the “direct
path” to a 3rd dimensional being is NOT the direct path to a 4th dimensional
When you
see galaxies far away…that is because you are perceiving the most direct path
from a 3D perspective. However, it is folded to a 4D being. It can, in many
cases, just “skip the maze”, get it?
know….hard to imagine. You are in a 3D “PLANE”. It will REMAIN that plane no
matter how it is altered from outside of itself.
If you
tie two ends of a string together, you can make a loop. You could also put your
fingers in it and stretch them out so that the “loop” is VERY narrow. If you
resided IN that string and say there is a “barrier” between the knot…..and your
friend was on the other side of that knot…..to GET TO YOUR FRIEND you would
have to travel all the way around the string. It does NOT matter HOW you
“shape” the loop of the string. If you are being INSIDE of that string, you still
must travel its path…it will stay the same length regardless and you will not
perceive HOW it is bent anyway.
something suddenly shows you an additional “option” of travel….you could rise
up OFF of the string and land back down on the other side of the knot and your
friend would call it MAGIC.
Well I
have traveled a bit “perceptually” in the 4th dimension. For example…if you are
playing a video game of “racing a car”….if you hit a straight path of road, you
are not going to move Left or Right…correct? So the scenery changes, but the
car appears still. It is only perspective. If you move forward, you are NOT
required to move left or right, are you? Even in real life. Well, if you are
only assessing someone’s “left or right” movement and they are only moving
forward, they would appear STILL to you. For example….driving on a highway.
When you become acclimated to the forward movement, you are paying attention to
left or right movement. A car in front of you is moving too, but if it is the
same speed…it appears motionless, right?
if you decide to “perceptually” travel in one of the other options afforded in
the 4th dimension. You could sit STILL on your chair and not move left, right,
backwards, forwards, up, or down. To one who is only assessing 3D movement, you
appear still. Why? Your movement is outside of their perception.
If you
“perceptually” travel into the 4th dimension…say to see a beings OTHER
bodies…you can appear to be still. But, you doing the same thing as traveling
along the path of your hand….”the hiding fingers” and going through it to
reveal the fingers behind the one in front.
This is
the basis for “computed tomography”. Without the scientists understanding the
4th dimension, they could NOT have made that device…..same with LASERS. They
could NOT have made lasers without interaction with 4D beings…period. They
would NEVER have looked outside their plane. The “demons” showed scientists
this technology.
you can sit STILL and travel through the bodies of these beings.
They can
BEND the 3rd dimension like you change the shape of the tied string. Unless you
perceive OUTSIDE the box, you will NOT know it happened.
beings have shown me. See, for example…4th dimensional beings are just like
fish in a barrel to 5th dimensional beings. Humans would NOT have started to
become informed of what was occurring here if higher dimensional beings did not
come and show us….ones that are NOT trying to take control. For me, they
have shown me how to perceive and have bent my reality. It is kind of cool when
you get over the “fear” part….
example…I will change my perception and they will BEND my hand. It really isn’t
bending on the 3D plane, but from a 4D perspective..it IS. Then, they show me
the additional “depth”…the “space”…..”room to hide” within something like my
own hand. I can’t explain it…….hyper3D? It expands and I see the “space
Funny, I
read a lot of dave matthews lyrics…..some of the stuff he says really shows he
has seen some of this. I know that “Satanists” do…but they will NEVER tell.
That is the difference. The “Illuminati” KNOWS this stuff. They can travel with
“additional options”.
other beings here, which you can’t “see” because they are not on YOUR plane are
breaking down the control. They are here, but you can’t perceive them. The Demons have trouble because
THEY can’t perceive them either. It is THIS group of beings protecting me. As
the “demons” try to stop me….the higher beings stop them in ways that the
DEMONS can’t understand. They are not trying to “hurt” demons…just correct the
cancerous energy to make them WANT to take advantage of us.
humans are just as insanely violent to other animals here…these beings observe
this. In there eyes, it is not about which “group” is right…it is about WHAT is
If you
choose to see your own insanity…they will help you. They understand that a lot
of evil human nature is induced by demons on a different plane we can’t see, so
they are going to stop the PROBLEM that makes both the demons and humans and
any other out of balance life form do this.
this is cancer on a larger scale.
why the illusion is going to be shown. This is what they mean by pulling you up
to a higher dimension. But they will NOT do that, if you have a cancerous
energy yourself. Why? You will see how EASY it would be to prey on lower
dimensional beings and could not be trusted.
It will
be what is in your heart that will be assessed. Can you resist YOURSELF. Then,
if you can, you will be helped to heal to a point that will get rid of the need
to “resist” anything. Mostly what you are resisting is the influence of demons.
If you can resist them here, you should be quite viable at a higher dimension
without their influence. Get it? Then you will be removed.
I hope
this helps.