"The human race broadcasts a frequency, that [is recognized] as an electromagnetic impulse. Each person has a slightly different frequency, that difference is what we call 'personality'. When a human thinks, [he broadcasts] strong impulses. In the case of 'fear', the frequency is 'loud' and easy to recognize. (By the same right a calm and composed mind-set should be far more difficult to 'recognize'.)" [An excerpt from Dulce Book, chapter 11. Sulkeet: Branton]
(Rauhallinen mieli on siis eräänlainen "näkymättömyysviitta" =) ... Siinä missä tahaton huomio helposti kiinnittyy heihin, jotka ovat levottomia (eli "energeettisesti äänekkäitä"), vaikka olisivat sitä hiljaa itsekseen ja kaukana. Siksi toiset marjastajat bongaa pusikoiden seasta ja toisia ei...)
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Tässä vielä toinen ajatus edistyneemmille, eli tuunailua Matrixissa. (Alleviivaukset omia,)
"From my own perspective, remote viewing operates through the
subspace body of a human being who is able to tap-in to the universal psionic
field. Since the psionic field is the very foundation of all
space-time-material reality, the so-called "master program" of the
universe which is made up of a 'field' of psionic or thought-form energy, it is
not necessarily bound by the limits of space, time and matter. The psionic
energy field seems to be interwoven into the electromagnetic grid structure of
all gravitational bodies, with the electro-magneto-gravitic fields of those
bodies serving as psionic 'traps' for thought-forms which are essentially the
psychic 'residue' of all thinking beings, and in turn the accumulated
"memory matrix" of those gravitational planetary bodies.
psionic fields contain THOUGHT ENERGY. Now thoughts can either be based on
truth or on deception, so just because this "thought-form energy" has
accumulated within the gravitational grid structure of a planet -- FROM the
time that thinking entities begin interacting with a gravitational sphere --
this does not mean that the information which has been 'programmed' into these
psionic "thought-emotion energy" fields is always true. Reality,
imagination, truth, and deception based thought-forms are all 'recorded'
ir-regardless of their content within these electro-magneto-gravitic energy
grids, just as one might record information within a multi-layered crystal via
laser technology. Supposing one had the appropriate sophisticated technology, they
could 'bleed' a wall, a rock, or any other object of its thought forms, sounds,
or visual vibrations which have accumulated within that object over the years. They
could literally 'read' the past through these objects.
Like a bio-chemical radio transceiver, some individuals -- for better or for worse -- seem to have the ability to 'tune-in' to and 'surf' the 'universal consciousness', the 'flowline', or the 'Akasha' memory matrix which links all thinking entities together on the deepest levels of the unconscious, allowing them to travel to specific places in space and time. You could say that CONSCIOUS awareness is composed of neural "short waves" which are localized with the individual, however UNCONSCIOUS awareness is composed of neural "long-waves" that reach beyond the individual -- for instance the neural states that are active during dreaming, thus explaining why many have reported experiencing "shared dreams" with other people. You could liken neuro-psionic activity to an ocean. On the 'surface' are islands representing individual third-dimensional consciousness, however the deeper one goes the more the thought-forms merge with each other, just as the sunken earth beneath the islands eventually connects to other islands at the deeper levels, representative of a collective unconscious where the thought forms of thinking creatures merge into one 'reservoir'."
(kappaleesta 19)
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...Tai sitten voi vain sulkea silmät ja kuunnella tätä: Chopin Nocturne Op. 9/1 in B flat minor
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