Olen pariin kertaan "pähkinöitä tiivistäessäni" maininnut nimimerkin Hidden Hand.
Tässä hieman tarkennusta.
Kyse on internet foorumille lokakuussa 2008 ilmaantuneesta "sisäpiiriläisestä" ja hänen kanssaan käydystä keskustelusta. Keskusteluun sisältyi viisi sessiota, ja sen taltioi Wes Penre. Taltioinnin löytää verkosta esimerkiksi Biblioteca Playadesin arkistosta, nimellä Dialogue With Hidden Hand (koonnut Wes Penre 2008). Hidden Hand Dialogue puolestaan on kommenttiartikkeli tekstiin (by Michael E. Salla, 2011).
HH siis ilmaantui eräänä päivänä nettin keskustelupalstalle, jonka valintaa areenakseen perusteli seuraavasti:
"I chose ATS as I was reliably informed that it is one of the forums with a higher rate of intelligence and reasoning amongst it's members.
If it is not in the mainstream controlled media, it will not be believed by the masses. This is information tailored for those who already know that we are very real, and exerting a strong, if mostly subtle, influence over your lives. If you wish to enslave a man, allow him to believe that he is already free."
Varsinainen syy ilmaantumiseen sekä ehdot vuorovaikutukselle olivat nämä:
"I am a generational member of a Ruling Bloodline Family.
Every so often, as per the directives of the Law of our Creator, a brief window of opportunity opens, whereby a select handful of our Family are required to make communication with our subjects, and offer you the chance to ask us any questions you would like answered.
I am double-bound in this duty. It is required of me by The Law of our Creator to offer this opportunity to you at this time, though I am also bound by the Law of (planetary) Free Will and by Family Oaths, that there is only so much I am able to say.
Rules define life in games.
If you wish to participate, here they are:
1). I will afford you courtesy and respect in the manner I address you, and I expect the same from you in reciprocation.
2). I will decide whether or not I am either willing or permitted to answer your question. If your question is not answered, it is either because I cannot disclose it, or because I considered your question was lacking in one or more of the following: respect, courtesy, intelligence, decency, or that it was otherwise unworthy of being dignified with a response.
3). That you agree to treat this potential dialogue with an aspect of "provisional faith". In practice, this means that rather than impeding the flow of information with crass comments of disbelief or petty name calling, my participation here requires of you that you discourse with me under "suspended judgment". In other words, wait until the process is complete, before deciding for yourself as to the content of truth and knowledge imparted herein.
4). That you formulate your questions intelligently. My time is limited. I do not want to waste it by having to trawl through pointless, futile, insensible or disrespectful questions, therefore I will answer the questions I feel are most deserving of a response, during the time that I have available. Use the time we have wisely.
If any of the above conditions are breached, I reserve the right to terminate our discourse forthwith, if I so choose.
That being said, I will attempt to answer your questions as honestly and openly as is permissible for me. I will check back and respond as time allows."
Every so often, as per the directives of the Law of our Creator, a brief window of opportunity opens, whereby a select handful of our Family are required to make communication with our subjects, and offer you the chance to ask us any questions you would like answered.
I am double-bound in this duty. It is required of me by The Law of our Creator to offer this opportunity to you at this time, though I am also bound by the Law of (planetary) Free Will and by Family Oaths, that there is only so much I am able to say.
Rules define life in games.
If you wish to participate, here they are:
1). I will afford you courtesy and respect in the manner I address you, and I expect the same from you in reciprocation.
2). I will decide whether or not I am either willing or permitted to answer your question. If your question is not answered, it is either because I cannot disclose it, or because I considered your question was lacking in one or more of the following: respect, courtesy, intelligence, decency, or that it was otherwise unworthy of being dignified with a response.
3). That you agree to treat this potential dialogue with an aspect of "provisional faith". In practice, this means that rather than impeding the flow of information with crass comments of disbelief or petty name calling, my participation here requires of you that you discourse with me under "suspended judgment". In other words, wait until the process is complete, before deciding for yourself as to the content of truth and knowledge imparted herein.
4). That you formulate your questions intelligently. My time is limited. I do not want to waste it by having to trawl through pointless, futile, insensible or disrespectful questions, therefore I will answer the questions I feel are most deserving of a response, during the time that I have available. Use the time we have wisely.
If any of the above conditions are breached, I reserve the right to terminate our discourse forthwith, if I so choose.
That being said, I will attempt to answer your questions as honestly and openly as is permissible for me. I will check back and respond as time allows."
Seuraavassa muutamia sitaatteja hänen vastauksistaan. Selvästikin "aikalinjat" ovat valikoituneet nykyisyyteemme hieman toisin, kuin miltä kaikki vielä reilu vuosikymmen sitten näytti (ainakin 'through the looking glass'): tämä aikalinja on hieman parempi kuin muutamat muut, luojan kiitos. (Ja onneksi olkoon!) Lisäksi - jos HH:n toteamuksia elämän tarkoituksesta kuunnellaan "alicemilleriläisittäin" - mukana on valtaisa annos niin kutsuttua mustaa peagogiikkaa. (Varmasti relevanttia karmarajoitusten kannalta.) Mutta nyt sitaatteihin.
"You will never be 'free', for as long as you are incarnating on this planet. The very nature of your being here, is indication of that. There is a reason why you are here, and 'here' is very likely not really where you think 'here' is. How do you become free? By working out where you are, and coming to an understanding, of why you are here.
You are fast running out of time to do so, before the coming Harvest. Those that don't make it, will have to repeat the cycle.
I have no need to prove anything to you. I am merely doing my duty as directed to me. Believe, or do not believe, we are divinely indifferent. I am obliged to complete this task here. The end result is of no consequence to me. I will have discharged my duty, in handing down certain information that must be released at this time. There is no stipulation as to where I do so, only that I do. I chose Above Top Secret, as the general level of intelligence, comprehension and reasoning is reckoned to be higher than in many such forums.
Understand, due to the Law of Free Will, I cannot just give you information, at least not without consequences to my own person which I would rather avoid. It is an infringement upon your Free Will, your right to not know. You have to ask me for the information you want, only then can I provide it. So whilst there are important things I have to share, if I am not asked the questions, I cannot get that information to you. I am hopeful that synchronicity will bring the most important questions of real 'depth' out from among you.
My duty is to offer. Yours is to ask. My duty is fulfilled, whether or not yours is.
Understand, due to the Law of Free Will, I cannot just give you information, at least not without consequences to my own person which I would rather avoid. It is an infringement upon your Free Will, your right to not know. You have to ask me for the information you want, only then can I provide it. So whilst there are important things I have to share, if I am not asked the questions, I cannot get that information to you. I am hopeful that synchronicity will bring the most important questions of real 'depth' out from among you.
My duty is to offer. Yours is to ask. My duty is fulfilled, whether or not yours is.
Again, it depends upon certain 'forces' at play, and which timelines are activated. Humanity, though utterly unconscious of the fact, has a significant part to play in this. You (as a collective consciousness of the planet) are choosing the Negative Polarization by default, by the quality of your thoughts and actions. Thought is creative energy, focused. You get exactly what you put out.
Why do you think the Media is so important to us? You have (as a society), in your hypnotized comatose state, given your Free Will consent to the state your planet is in today. You saturate your minds with the unhealthy dishes served up for you on your televisions that you are addicted to, violence, pornography, greed, hatred, selfishness, incessant 'bad news', fear and 'terror'. When was the last time you stopped, to think of something beautiful and pure? The planet is the way it is, because of your collective thoughts about it.
You are complicit in your inaction, every time you 'look the other way' when you see an injustice. Your 'thought' at the sub-conscious level of creation to the Creator, is your allowance of these things to occur. In so doing, you are serving our purpose.
Why do you think the Media is so important to us? You have (as a society), in your hypnotized comatose state, given your Free Will consent to the state your planet is in today. You saturate your minds with the unhealthy dishes served up for you on your televisions that you are addicted to, violence, pornography, greed, hatred, selfishness, incessant 'bad news', fear and 'terror'. When was the last time you stopped, to think of something beautiful and pure? The planet is the way it is, because of your collective thoughts about it.
You are complicit in your inaction, every time you 'look the other way' when you see an injustice. Your 'thought' at the sub-conscious level of creation to the Creator, is your allowance of these things to occur. In so doing, you are serving our purpose.
Seek beyond the superficial. Get to the 'Core' of the matter.
Just like in Hollywood productions. We hide the Truth right out in the wide open. What humanity is offered as "Science Fiction", more often than not, is actually Science Fact
[...] True wealth however, is knowing deep in your heart, that you and your Infinite Creator, are One.
Thank you. We are aware of Project Camelot. They are doing some remarkable work. Though I was not aware they also have a forum, if that's what you are suggesting? Not really my area usually, dealing with the internet. In fact I rarely have time to even venture onto it. I have quite enjoyed this time of relating to others over "cyber-space".
Well, if you're game for an "assignment", or maybe someone else if you haven't the time, I would be happy for someone to collate this topic (minus the "interruptions") so that the message appears with just the actual flow of questions and answers, and post it there in one piece, if you so desire. As I mentioned before, I chose ATS as I was reliably informed that it is one of the forums with a higher rate of intelligence and reasoning amongst it's members. On the whole, from my experience here, I would tend to agree.
Well, if you're game for an "assignment", or maybe someone else if you haven't the time, I would be happy for someone to collate this topic (minus the "interruptions") so that the message appears with just the actual flow of questions and answers, and post it there in one piece, if you so desire. As I mentioned before, I chose ATS as I was reliably informed that it is one of the forums with a higher rate of intelligence and reasoning amongst it's members. On the whole, from my experience here, I would tend to agree.
Do I "know" you, as the individuated human expression typing to me over cyberspace? No, I do not.
What part do you play in all this?
What part do you want to play? The choice, as always, is entirely yours. Whether you are consciously aware of it or not, you are co-creating the storyline on this planet. My advice, would be to do so consciously.
When will you awake?
When do you want to awake? Do you want to awake at all? If your answer to this question is "yes", then use the Catalyst and tools we have provided for you. I have made many subtle, not so subtle, and even overtly blatant statements within this topic, as to how you may choose to do this.
"I feel it in me, but I'm afraid to let it out? Help me!"
Why are you afraid? Do not reply to that question, but rather, ask it to yourself, during your quiet time, where you work upon yourself. You do work upon yourself, don't you? If not, now would be a good time to start. Sit in silence. Switch off all non essential electrical appliances. E.g.; leaving the refrigerator on, would probably be a good idea. (The electromagnetic field they create disturbs your brainwave patterns, and makes it difficult for your mind to achieve the deeper alpha and theta states conducive with relaxing deeply and hearing your inner voice).
Ask your Infinite Creator to help you. Thank her, because you know that he will.
Be honest with yourself. Why are you afraid? Remember that this is a Game that you are playing, and that it is not Reality. When you find, and come to know your Creator living within you, you will know that there is nothing to fear."
What part do you play in all this?
What part do you want to play? The choice, as always, is entirely yours. Whether you are consciously aware of it or not, you are co-creating the storyline on this planet. My advice, would be to do so consciously.
When will you awake?
When do you want to awake? Do you want to awake at all? If your answer to this question is "yes", then use the Catalyst and tools we have provided for you. I have made many subtle, not so subtle, and even overtly blatant statements within this topic, as to how you may choose to do this.
"I feel it in me, but I'm afraid to let it out? Help me!"
Why are you afraid? Do not reply to that question, but rather, ask it to yourself, during your quiet time, where you work upon yourself. You do work upon yourself, don't you? If not, now would be a good time to start. Sit in silence. Switch off all non essential electrical appliances. E.g.; leaving the refrigerator on, would probably be a good idea. (The electromagnetic field they create disturbs your brainwave patterns, and makes it difficult for your mind to achieve the deeper alpha and theta states conducive with relaxing deeply and hearing your inner voice).
Ask your Infinite Creator to help you. Thank her, because you know that he will.
Be honest with yourself. Why are you afraid? Remember that this is a Game that you are playing, and that it is not Reality. When you find, and come to know your Creator living within you, you will know that there is nothing to fear."
Ja sitten se sucker punch:
"Me on the other hand, I'm going to have to go and do some REALLY Negative things now to make up for all this Positivity. Kind of amusing, in an ironic way."
* * *
["Sucker punch" sai minut ajattelemaan ehdollista hyvyyttä: lucifeerinen hyvyys ja valo ovat aina dualistisia (tietenkin). Näin ollen kaikilla siirroilla on aina vasta siirtonsa (the game of check, which is reminded by the chekerboard print - very important symbolism to the masons). Tämä puolestaan tarkoittaa, että "positiivisuus" on aina tasapainotettava "negatiivisuudella" ja päinvastoin, jotta "tasapaino" - samalla myös salaisuus - säilyy. (Adampants selitti tämän erinomaisesti ääniaaltojen avulla; kuinka ne "neutraloivat" toisensa ja pysyvät huomaamattomina. Kuvaus oli Atomivertauksen alussa.) Sama "näkymättömyys" pätee myös mielenlaatuihin, joita pidämme psykopaattisina: emme voi käsittää, kuinka joku voi olla yhtäällä hyvä ja toisaalla paha, koska maallikolle ne ovat joko tai, toisensa poissulkevat vaihtoehdot, valinnaisuudet.
So, discretion needed. If a memeber of the elite manages to help and elevate many, does this mean he has "levelled" a lot of bad deeds? - Or is allowed - obligated - to do bad things...? Tästä tulee mieleen jo kansantarinoissa usein kuullut opetukset vihtahousun tarjoamista siunauksista - joita kiroukset aina seuraavat, sillä kaikki on ehdollistettua eikä mikään ole ilmaista.
Joten, sitä miettii, kuinka paljon elämänsä aikana onkaan tullut dualistisen valon ja hyvyyden siunaamaksi, ja myös itse edistänyt dualistista positiivisuutta. (Sekä sininen että punainen pilleri kuuluvat samaan dualistiseen peliin. Tästä voi päätellä paljon punaisen pillerin kyvystä todella herättää ketään. You only wake from a dream... within a dream.)
Tämä ajatus ei siis ole mikään "dogmi" vaan huomioon otettava muuttuja. Dualistisessa todellisuudessa on elettävä dualismin ehdoilla - positiivisuutta tarvitaan.]
Ai niin, tämä myös: määritelmä.
"Hidden hand, noun.
an unknown force or influence believed to be the cause of certain, often unfortunate, events."
"Kätketyllä kädellä" on siis vahvasti symbolinen merkitys, minkä vuoksi eliitti on usein kuvattu toinen käsi piilossa, tyypillisimmillään takin sisälle työnnettynä.
Selena Gomes: The Heart Wants What It Wants
Taylor Swift: Blank Space
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