tiistai 15. syyskuuta 2020

An obsessive indulgence


Halusin vain sanoa, kuinka ihana kirja on A Spider on My Tongue (T. M. Wright 2006, Nyx Books). 

Äänikirjana. Ehdottomasti. Lukijana Dan Boice. 

(Löysin ihan randomisti. Sen sinkoilevampaa hakuammuntaa tuskin on olemassa.)

Harvoin pidän romaanista näin paljon näin nopeasti. Always a pleasure! (Tämän kanssa voin elää henkilökohtaista kirjasyksyäni uudelleen ja uudelleen...)

Ja - ohhoh! Onpa hienosti sanottu. Joku muukin ymmärtää tämän päälle. Pakko siteerata Amazonin verkkokaupan kommentteja:

"Imagine this, just imagine, that someone is talking to you, as intimately as imaginable. In a quiet voice, just to you, and telling you things which simply cannot be. Telling you things, in such honesty and candor that you want to look away. You believe him, or you want to believe him because he is so very candid, but these are things that are beyond you. [...] [T]his is a book unlike any other. You don't read it, you hear it. It is absolutely there with you, speaking in that low voice in your ear. [...]

Spider on My Tongue is an obsessive indulgence. Sometimes I don't even know what I'm reading. TM Wright has this amazing ability to turn the simplest things into enigmas. All I can say is that I love reading this, it is utterly engrossing and interesting and beautifully written. [...] [T]his book is outside the normal frame of things. I am continually gob-smacked at Wright's writing. He is, without question, one of the best writers in the English language extant. [...] The words are simple enough, but the meaning is far deeper and more complex."  - Christine Menendes

"T. M. [...] has a unique way of lulling the reader slowly into his grasp and then traps you in his madness where there's no turning back. This latest book is a bit more abstract than some of his other novels, but it remains fascinating nonetheless. No one I've ever read could blur the line between life and death so effectively. [...]

T. M. Wright always challenges the reader in ways most authors today forget to do. I always finish his books with a dreamy, head-spinning, reflective feeling that I've grown somehow as a person from his words and messages. As if I've been included in some cosmic secret that only a select few are privileged to discover. [...] Wright is among the very best of the sophisticated horror authors writing today." - William M Miller

Are you tempted yet?

Tälle soundtrackiksi 

Nikita - Ralph Myerz And The Jack Herren Band

(...Heti kun lakkaan luuppaamasta In Noctemia.)

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